At times a change in the level of care needed or a medical emergency may prompt a need to move from Independent Living to an Assisted Living environment.
Many of the larger Senior Living Communities offer several care-level options. You might find yourself needing to move to another section of the building and need a company that can respond to your urgent situation. These situations require specialized internal moving equipment. Universal Services can provide such equipment and can move all of your possessions internally without the need of a moving vehicle.
These types of moves are commonly referred to as “Internal Moves”. We can handle all of the packing, moving, and unpacking of your possessions with the use of our specially designed carts that will eliminate the need for the normal” boxing up” of many of your items. You may find yourself needing to downsize the amount of furniture that you will need in your assisted living or skilled living environment. We can deliver furniture such as dining room pieces to a family member’s home or perhaps sell it in our consignment shop for you.
One of our Senior Move Managers will meet with you to make this transition happen very smoothly and quickly.
Consign w/US is a consignment shop that helps older adults sell quality items that their family no longer needs. Visit our shop on Facebook >>